DEPRECATED Compiling my templates with handlebars.js


We commit both templates and their compiled version in enDI git repo.

Handlebars.js is a javascript templating engine. It allows server-side template compilation. Since we don’t use nodejs as webserver, we need to precompile our templates.

For that, we need :

  1. Install nodejs :

  2. Install build dependencies (incl. handlebars CLI)

npm --prefix js_sources install
  1. Compile templates after you modify it

cd ..
make js

Add your template in the handlebars directory. all the templates in this folder are compiled to the same js file : template.js. Maybe it should be splitted in several files one day.

It can be imported this way:

from endi.resources import templates

def myview(request):

Fanstatic will handle the import (and the requirements) for you. Most of the time, the templates requirement is done through the declaration of a new js ressource.